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Saturday, December 5, 2009

WWE Smackdown/Thursday Night TV Reax #1: "Batista's attack on Undertaker was predictable but necessary for people to buy into Batista's heel turn"

-- 12/4 WWE Smackdown Reax

Adam of Edmonton, Alb. (7.0): Best match: R-Truth vs. C.M. Punk and John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre. Worst match: Cryme Tyme vs. JeriShow. First off, I would like to express my condolences to the Fatu family after the passing of Umaga yesterday, which is something I guess WWE will acknowledge on Monday. This week's episode of Smackdown was the first episode I've been able to watch from start to finish since August. I thought the C.M. Punk-R-Truth match was well done. C.M. Punk has been one of my favorites for a long time and the addition of Luke Gallows only turns his character into more of a cult like leader, which I think he will be able to play perfectly. Kane vs. Mike Knox was predictable. I really think they are wasting a lot of Knox's ability when he could be used as a serious player in the Intercontinental Title picture. I was so blown away by the women's match for several reasons. I've seen Nattie Niedhart wrestle in the independents and she's every bit as good now as she was then, if not better. I loved the finish, even though Mickie's victory was so assured you could set your watch to it. John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre was a great match. I wasn't so sure about McIntyre before this match, but either Morrison made him look awesome (which is possible) or McIntyre has got a lot better. The one thing I don't like about McIntyre is his mic skills. I had an idea where WWE could use Roddy Piper (a fellow Scot) as a mouthpiece for McIntyre and in the process stick it to Vince McMahon in an "I'm going to be the one to lead this kid to World Championship status" kind of way. Also McIntyre could benefit from Piper's years of experience much like Orton and Batista did with Ric Flair in Evolution. Vickie Guerrero is so amazing. It's a shame WWE doesn't appreciate her for what she truly brings to the table. I can't stand Eric Escobar, but I definitely think if he's going to get over on his own, the only real way he can do it is as a babyface. I can see a Rocky Maivia type of thing with him where the crowd will hate him until he legitimately improves himself in many aspects of his gimmick and finds his niche. I think it's a little early to give up on him. I desperately wish WWE could work out a deal with Bret Hart in order to work with the Hart Dynasty. I think it would be a good idea like I suggested with McIntyre and Piper. Cryme Tyme vs. JeriShow was a disappointment. I was wondering how the bookers were going to avoid having Big Show or Shad in the ring for an extended length of time. I didn't expect such a quick finish however. Batista's attack on Undertaker was predictable but necessary for people to buy into Batista's heel turn. Overall, I thought this was a decent episode of Smackdown. I don't get to see a lot of episodes of Smackdown, but I desperately hope by the next time I can see a full episode, C.M. Punk will be back in the main event picture and Drew McIntyre will be more interesting to watch.

-- 12/3 TNA Impact Reax

Terrie Neilson of Las Vegas, Nev. (5.0): Best: the potential. Worst: the reality. If it wasn't for the black hole looming over the horizon, I would have liked this show. Wolfe kept up the strong build-up toward his match with Angle. Williams-Shelley was a very good match, made better by the ejections. Pope-Suicide's truce seems just as out of nowhere as Pope's face turn, but it works toward the PPV eight-man tag match. The Homicide-Suicide match came the closest that I know to exposing Suicide's identity. The reveal (if there ever is one) could affect Homicide and Dinero in some interesting ways. I don't like what they're doing with ODB-Tara. I'd buy into the feud more if it were immediately after the former Victoria's debut. She has already proven herself, including a respectable cage match with Kong. Jesse Neal has made quite a few improvements since he was last on. I'm almost wondering if his green-ness back then was a work. Young/Nash vs. Beer Money was all kinds of wrong. "Vintage Kevin Nash," Taz? Really? Isn't Taz the same guy who enjoyed making Cole look dumb? And how can Kevin Nash bring out the best in Shawn Michaels when Shawn had been in then-WWF several years before Diesel ever showed up? How long should we set the clock on Krystal (and possibly Lashley's) heel turn? With only hands and belly size to judge, Style's assailant doesn't look to be
Joe or Angle. Methinks it could possibily be Wolfe at this point. Looks like a tag title match of Sarita/Taylor vs. Hamada/partner is coming up. But who could fill the shoes? Alas, all this potential is drowned in dread. Dixie didn't explain herself much at all. Hogan putting over TNA, added to the Nash-Foley tease of NWO, can only mean one thing: set the timer on the end of TNA.

-- 12/3 WWE Superstars Reax

Terrie Neilson of Las Vegas, Nev. (8.0): Best: Hardy vs. Ziggler. Worst: Ask The Divas. Everyone was coasting this week going into Superstars. On other nights, I'd rate this show higher, as it was a top-to-bottom solid show. Legacy got some cred back (though I wished it was against someone other than Bourne and Primo, despite it being a good match). The DX and Sheamus-Cena videos were nicely put together. Ask The Divas was the usual segment, nothing offensive. I saw Burchill's attack on Hurricane coming two days earlier on ECW TV, but it was still nicely done. To really confuse people, though, he should have used a different finishing move. Then Burchill could play his own "it's not me" game. Hardy vs. Ziggler was a good match, but I'm getting annoyed with these two being stuck in limbo. If it wasn't a logistical thing, I would say that Superstars really needs a serious injection of PPV build. I'm not expecting that to change, so neither will their ratings.

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